First Sunday of every month 10:30am at Monty Community Hub, 1-3 Mountain View Road, Montmorency
The monthly Food Swap is held on the first Sunday of every month from 10:30am, at the Monty Community Hub, 1-3 Mountain View Road, Montmorency
The Monty Food Swap started as a monthly event in November 2010 and has met every month since, providing a place for gardeners to share their excess produce, information and questions, and building a friendly community of locals interested in learning more about home gardening.
Come and join us for a celebratory morning tea and the usual food swap activities.
If you grow your own veggies & fruit, have chooks and have more produce than you need, come and swap with others at the Montmorency Food Swap. Compost, seedlings, preserves, cuttings, recipes are also welcome.