Montmorency Community GroupWe're dedicated to creating a sustainable and resilient Montmorency, with the added bonus of making it an even nicer place to live and building community. The group is based on the "Transitions Town" initiative which aims to address Climate Change and Peak Oil with positive actions.
Biodiversity GroupWhat would Montmorency be without our huge variety of trees, plants, insects and birds: our rich biodiversity? Community members formed the Montmorency Biodiversity Group in 2012 to conserve and promote our flora and fauna and all its biodiverisity.
Welcome to the Montmorency Community Group
We're dedicated to creating a sustainable and resilient Montmorency, with the added bonus of making it an even nicer place to live and building community. The group is based on the "Transitions Town" initiative which aims to address Climate Change and Peak Oil with positive actions.
Wildlife corridors
Sustainability and Energy
Community Connections
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Contact Us
Regular eventsFoodswap
First Sunday of every month from 10:30am, in Were St for the warmer months, next to the Were Street Food Store. Winter time it's in the "Castle" at Montmorency Primary School. Carbon Neutral Bush Dance Bush Dance - Annually in "August/September", keep an eye on our website for the date. Follow us on Facebook to get updates for upcoming events |
MCG will write this
Kathrine will write this text
What would Montmorency be without our huge variety of trees, plants, insects and birds: our rich biodiversity? Community members formed the Montmorency Biodiversity Group in 2012 to conserve and promote our flora and fauna and all its biodiverisity. Our goal is to promote community stewardship through:
The sugar glider project has been the major focus of our group. Over 100 nest boxes have been installed in wildlife habitat corridors across the suburb. Volunteer climbers regularly inspect these for sugar glider occupation and results are recorded. Analysis of survey results of the glider population reveal total numbers, movement and key locations. A report, analysing years of these survey results, has been presented to Banyule Council, to support protection of the local habitat in the VP01.
This VP01, is a Vegetation Protection Overlay, covering the suburbs of Lower Plenty, Montmorency Briar Hill, and St Helena. It is an administrative tool of Council, designed to ‘… conserve the existing pattern of vegetation, landscape quality and ecosystems within the area...’ and; ‘…to protect the area for local fauna and as an important habitat link...’
In recent work on building the dual rail lines, major trees were removed at the crossing of Para Road over the Plenty River. This tree removal has severely damaged the habitat link along the railway line. This habitat link is recognised by Banyule City Council and the NEROC report, as one of state-wide significance. We expect LXRP to mitigate this damage to our key wildlife corridor.
Our work so far could not have been achieved without the marvellous support of the Montmorency community and surrounding suburbs! Please contact us on this website and watch for events on our Facebook link.
- Supporting wildlife habitat corridors
- Protection of remnant vegetation, especially trees
- Control and removal of invasive weeds
- Sharing knowledge and conversations with the community
The sugar glider project has been the major focus of our group. Over 100 nest boxes have been installed in wildlife habitat corridors across the suburb. Volunteer climbers regularly inspect these for sugar glider occupation and results are recorded. Analysis of survey results of the glider population reveal total numbers, movement and key locations. A report, analysing years of these survey results, has been presented to Banyule Council, to support protection of the local habitat in the VP01.
This VP01, is a Vegetation Protection Overlay, covering the suburbs of Lower Plenty, Montmorency Briar Hill, and St Helena. It is an administrative tool of Council, designed to ‘… conserve the existing pattern of vegetation, landscape quality and ecosystems within the area...’ and; ‘…to protect the area for local fauna and as an important habitat link...’
In recent work on building the dual rail lines, major trees were removed at the crossing of Para Road over the Plenty River. This tree removal has severely damaged the habitat link along the railway line. This habitat link is recognised by Banyule City Council and the NEROC report, as one of state-wide significance. We expect LXRP to mitigate this damage to our key wildlife corridor.
Our work so far could not have been achieved without the marvellous support of the Montmorency community and surrounding suburbs! Please contact us on this website and watch for events on our Facebook link.