What is it?
The Transition Initiative is a community-driven approach to improving our reslience in the face of Peak Oil and Climate Change challenges.
For every challenge there are opportunities, and the Transitiontown movement believes that by making our communities more resilient and developing closer local social and economic ties, we can combat these challenges.
We relocalise our activities so that we are more independent of oil, and can better weather the storms, temperature increases and sea level rises that scientists tell us are inevitable.
It sprang out of the work by Robert Hopkins (see The Transition Handbook), a Permaculture teacher, who developed an Energy Action Descent Plan with his class in Kinsale, Ireland around 2005. He now resides in Totnes, UK and has began a revolutionary worldwide movement of similar organisations planning to reduce their energy use and ecological footprint.
For every challenge there are opportunities, and the Transitiontown movement believes that by making our communities more resilient and developing closer local social and economic ties, we can combat these challenges.
We relocalise our activities so that we are more independent of oil, and can better weather the storms, temperature increases and sea level rises that scientists tell us are inevitable.
It sprang out of the work by Robert Hopkins (see The Transition Handbook), a Permaculture teacher, who developed an Energy Action Descent Plan with his class in Kinsale, Ireland around 2005. He now resides in Totnes, UK and has began a revolutionary worldwide movement of similar organisations planning to reduce their energy use and ecological footprint.